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PDX Summer School

We provide tutoring services for low income, ESL students.

Nonprofit Type: Education & Instruction

Region(s) Covered: Multnomah County

Contact Information

website link:pdxsummerschool.com
address:3126 SE. Ankeny St.
Portland, OR  97214
principal contact:Tim Schulze
email:[email protected]


Our goal is to provide ESL students with the tools they need to achieve grade level standards


Tutor low income, ESL students!


Many Mill Park students are in need of tutoring services over the summer in order to reach or maintain grade level proficiency. Since many of our students currently struggle to achieve grade level proficiency in one or more subjects, they are especially susceptible to decline in their academics over the summer. Lack of academic exercise during the summer months often exacerbates this problem.

PDX Summer School provides instruction specifically designed to meet the needs of Mill Park students. PDX Summer School teachers are aware of the unique challenges affecting Mill Park students and have developed strategies to counter them.