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Terry Milner - Executive Repertory, LLC

Presentation and interpersonal communication skills training for nonprofit and for-profit executives.

Region(s) Covered: Portland

Contact Information

website link:www.executiverep.com
address:2926 NE 77th Place
Portland, OR  97213
principal contact:Terry Milner
email:[email protected]
contact note:Best time to contact is weekdays 9am-5pm, or leave a message anytime. I am the Portland-based consulant for Executive Rep, so please email me directly instead of using the "info@" link on our website. Thanks!


Executive Repertory, LLC is a consulting firm specializing in experiential, hands-on workshops that help participants retrain their interpersonal communication habits.


Executive Rep takes the physical and mental skills developed by great actors on stage and screen, and translates them into practical techniques that anyone can use to develop superior presentation skills, dramatically improve interpersonal communications, and craft their own brand of authentic, inspirational leadership.

Other Information

Offers trainings or workshops
Special rates offered to CNRG members