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Rose City Rollers are forming an Advisory Council

Portland's roller derby league needs your help!


The Rose City Rollers Board of Directors is seeking assistance in forming a Community Advisory Council. We're hoping to bring in individuals with various professional backgrounds who share a passion for our mission:


"The Rose City Rollers develop women of attitude, athleticism and passion to play a hard-hitting sport of speed and skill. As pioneers in the rebirth of roller derby, RCR continues to foster its growth. The league’s goals are to serve our community by empowering women and girls, providing entertainment for our fans and supporting charitable causes. (We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, formed in 2004, and a founding member of the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association.)"


If you have advice on how to form an Advisory Council (or if you're interested in joining the council) please contact me at [email protected] or 503-928-9223.


Thank you, Ellen Zientek (aka "F-Bomb") Vice President, Rose City Rollers