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Bridging Differences in the Workplace
ASTD-Cascadia Chapter presents Bridging Difference in the Workplace
Featuring Dianne Hofner Saphiere
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
2:00 - 5:00 PM
Reed College
To register: www.astdcascadia.org
We have all read the statistics on the changing demographics of our population. Now more than ever, our workplaces and the communities we serve are filled with individuals with differing generational views, ethnic backgrounds, educational levels, and professional knowledge.
As L & D professionals, we are committed to bridging those differences in our organizations. Our intentions are in the right place, but we can’t be experts in every culture. How can we have the impact we desire?
This very practical and highly participatory session includes such topics as:
- How cultural differences impact learning and development
- How diversity and inclusion affects one’s ability to lead
- How personal style affects one’s ability to be inclusive in training and instructional design
- Useful processes, experiential activities, and tools for bridging differences
- Definitions of culture, intercultural communication, and intercultural competence to help build respect and navigate differences
- Effectively engaging individuals from different generations, professions, and ethnic backgrounds
Visit www.astdcascadia.org to register and learn more about becoming a member of Oregon and SW Washington’s premiere learning resource for workplace learning professionals.