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Financial Education Workshop series beginning July 10!

Innovative Changes is excited to announce our summer financial education workshop schedule. Financial Household Stability, a four-part group workshop series will begin on Saturday, July 10. Each of these four interactive workshops can be taken on their own, or as part of the full sequence.


Workshops be held on Saturdays from 10am-12pm beginning July 10, 2010 at the New Columbia Opportunity Center, 4610 N. Trenton St, Portland, OR 97203. Classes are free and open to anyone who would like to participate. Registration is required! Contact Carmina Lass at (503) 943-5645 or at [email protected] to reserve a spot or for more information.


Financial Household Stability Group Workshops: Summer 2010


Part 1:Making Ends Meet Feel like you’re always struggling to make ends meet? Take an inventory of your values and priorities. Follow a family as they analyze their spending and decide how to juggle income to cover expenses. You will benefit from valuable tools and strategies that you can put to work for you to make an immediate, positive impact on your financial situation.


Saturday, July 10, 10am – 12pm.


Part 2: Budgeting and Saving You may have heard that sticking to a budget and saving money will help you weather the shock of an unexpected expense, but it can seem impossible when time and money are limited. This workshop is designed to provide you with the tools you need so that budgeting and saving is within your reach.


Saturday, July 17, 10am – 12pm.


Part 3: Hands-On Banking Do your current methods of managing income and paying bills not work for you? Do you frequently owe fees that you find confusing and expensive? Join us for this exploration of banks, credit unions and the services they offer. You will discuss various ways that you might utilize financial institutions to manage your income and learn about the many ways in which having an account at a bank or credit union can help–or hurt–your personal finances. You’ll come away with a clear picture of what services might be right for you.


Saturday, July 24, 10am – 12pm.


Part 4:Building, Repairing and Protecting Credit Good credit is a crucial ingredient to most recipes for financial success, but what does it mean to have good credit and what can be done if you have poor credit or no credit history at all? The answers to these questions and more will be explored in this workshop. We will explore the basic components of a credit report and talk about what you can do to address inaccurate or damaging items. Other topics covered include steps you can take when turned down for credit and information about your rights related to credit.


Saturday, July 31, 10am – 12pm.


Innovative Changes was founded by Innovative Housing, Inc. (IHI) to assist low- and moderate-income individuals and families manage short-term financial needs in order to achieve household and financial stability.