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Join us for Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring Community Events, July 26 & Aug 2
Each year Portland State University holds the Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring, a week long series of events that brings together mentoring researchers and practitioners from across the world. As part of the Institute we hold free community events for Portland area youth service providers. The two events this year are: 1) an evening Community Kick-Off event featuring a panel of leading mentoring researchers on July 26th; and 2) a half-day Symposium with practitioners & researchers on August 2nd. Information on both events can be found at: http://mentoring.research.pdx.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9&Itemid=10
1) The Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring Kick-off Event will be held on Monday, July 26, 2010 from 5:00-6:30pm on the lower level of the new School of Social Work building on the PSU campus (Academic and Student Recreation Center). There will be a reception and refreshments.
The program will include a panel presentation by the following researchers:
Jean Rhodes (University of Massachusetts); Michael Karcher (University of Texas--San Antonio); Susan Murphy (James Madison University); Kevin O?Neill (Simon Fraser University, Canada); Carmit-Noa Shpigelman (University of Haifa, Israel); & Peg Boyle Single (Independent Research & Consultation)
2) The Summer Institute on Youth Mentoring Community Symposium will be held on Monday, August 2, 2010 from 9am-2pm in Smith Memorial Student Union Room 228 (the Multicultural Center). The event is free and lunch will be provided, however registration is limited, so please register as soon as possible at: http://2010mentoringsymposium.eventbrite.com/.
The program will feature the following mentoring researchers and practitioners:
Thomas Keller (Portland State University); Gary Kosman (America Learns); Michael Garringer (National Mentoring Center); Celeste Janssen (Oregon Mentors) Sarah Spinks (Mid Valley Mentors); & Joe Walsh (Washington County Juvenile Department Sky's the Limit Program)
Both events are made possible with sponsorship from:
The Oregon Community Foundation & the PSU Center for Interdisciplinary Mentoring Research http://mentoring.research.pdx.edu/