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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Learn the underbelly of history on an old school bus, July 29th!
WHERE DOES ENERGY COME FROM? A BUS TRIP EXAMINING ENERGY IN THE COLUMBIA GORGE THURS, JULY 29 | 9AM-5PM Tickets available at: http://dillpickleclub.com/events
What’s the connection between our contemporary energy crisis and our region’s history? Board the Pickle Bus for a day-long field trip and find out from the experts!
The day begins with a visit to the Dalles Dam, constructed by the federal government in 1957. Built among controversy for its destruction of an ancient native fishing and cultural hub, the dam today produces close to 1,800 megawatts of power — enough to fuel three-quarters of the state of California! The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers give us a first-hand look at the dam, including the navigation lock, spillway, powerhouse and fish passage facilities.
Then it’s on to lunch at Celilo Park for a discussion with anti-nuclear and fishing activist Chief Wilbur Slockish. Slockish will talk about the profound effect of the dam on native tribes, and give an insider account of the negotiations that took place during its planning and construction. Chief Slockish served time in prison after a 1983 conviction for conscientiously objecting to federal fishing regulations. Since his release in 1989, he has returned to fishing and has worked for the Yakama Nation on issues related to water quality and salmon recovery.
The day ends with a visit to Portland General Electric’s Biglow Canyon Wind Farm. Here, a plant manager shows us the inner workings of the second-largest wind energy facility in state; its 141 turbines produce 275 megawatts of power. The farm is situated in Wasco County, an area prospected for further wind development, despite growing community concern about noise and environmental impacts.
The Dill Pickle Club organizes educational projects that help us understand the place in which we live. Through tours, public programs and publications, we create nontraditional and interactive learning environments where all forms of knowledge are valued and made readily accessible. Founded in 2009, we are a volunteer-run organization, with a shared belief in the vitality of community education and democracy.
dill pickle club 519 SW 3rd Avenue Suite 500-24 Portland, OR 97204 http://dillpickleclub.com/
p: 503.235.2159