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Spend the day supporting Raphael House on the green at Pumpkin Ridge!

Provide support for Raphael House's Golf for Hope Tournament and spend a beautiful summer day on the green at Pumpkin Ridge! Raphael House needs volunteers to staff holes on the course during their Golf for Hope tournament on July 29th from 7am-2pm. If interested please contact Megan Kovacs at [email protected] or at 503.222.6507 x317. Help out a good cause and spend the day in the sun! Must wear course appropriate attire (no jeans or tank tops).


Our Story


Founded in 1977, Raphael House of Portland is a multi-faceted domestic violence agency dedicated to fighting the causes and effects of intimate partner violence in a variety of ways. We offer emergency shelter in a confidential location, a 24-hour in-house crisis line, transitional housing and advocacy programs, non-residential advocacy in partnership with the Portland Police Bureau, and also work to bring an end to violence through community outreach and education.


Mission Statement


The mission of Raphael House is to provide a foundation of hope for a life free from domestic violence.


Vision Statement


The vision of Raphael House is to engage the entire community in non-violent living.




Raphael House of Portland believes that domestic violence is a pattern of coercive tactics that can include physical, psychological, sexual, economic, and emotional abuse, perpetrated by one person against an intimate partner, with the goal of establishing and maintaining power and control.


As we work to change these patterns of control and oppression, we embrace the following values:


* Survivor-centered advocacy and decision making * Recognizing and adapting to an ever-changing spectrum of strengths and needs in ourselves and our program participants * Constantly striving to ensure safety and confidentiality for the survivors we serve and for our staff, volunteers, and supporters * Collaborating with survivors and our community to address a wide range of oppressive behaviors through social change