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Stewardship Saturdays at Tryon Creek

Stewardship Saturdays


2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month


July 24th Ivy Pull


9am to noon


2nd Saturdays are always ivy pulls and 4th Saturdays may be trail maintenance in the winter


Pull together to remove invasive English ivy and to protect our forest. Ivy out competes our native plants, takes over the forest floor and ruins precious habitat.


* Registration is not required but please call ahead with groups of 5 or more


* All minors must be checked in at the Nature Center and anyone under 16 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian


* Gloves and a light snack provided


* Please bring your own water bottle


* Please dress for the weather, to get dirty, and to be off trail (sturdy shoes and long pants are strongly suggested)


We have lots of fun and hope to see you on a Saturday!


Questions? Contact Amy Hoffman at 503-636-4398 or [email protected]