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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Solar Program Coordinator - City of Beaverton (AmeriCorps)
Position Title: Solar Program Coordinator, City of Beaverton (AmeriCorps position) Position Summary: The City of Beaverton is interested in creating a bulk solar purchasing program for residents similar to those that have proven successful in Portland. The Solar Program Coordinator will research similar programs throughout the region and country, develop a plan to bring cost-effective bulk solar options to our residents, create a Request For Proposal via city process to select a vendor(s), work with the vendor(s) to develop an implementation plan, and provide an outreach plan that will educate community members about the benefits of solar power. The Solar Program Coordinator will measure and report the outcomes of the program to City staff and will do the groundwork for City staff to continue the program in the future. The Solar Program Coordinator will provide the opportunity for more affordable renewable energy to Beaverton residents. Research programs and choose options to implement (25% of total project time), Implement program and coordinate outreach activities with City staff and vendors (65% of total project time), Report and create a template to duplicate in years to come (10% of total time). Application Deadline: July 28, 2010 For full position description and application information, go to http://www.nwserviceacademy.org/positions/CoB_SolarP2.pdf