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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Third Cully Collective Market this Saturday!
The Cully Collective Market will be holding it's third farmers market this Saturday, July 24th at 5520 North East Killingsworth! Our first two markets have been big successes; this week we have vendors selling vegetables, flowers, berries and more, as well as YOU – our neighbors bringing your wares to the Community Tables.
Make It Your Market! The Cully Collective Market is a unique market in the Portland area because its success rests in the active participation of the community. There are many ways to be involved – selling or trading your goods with neighbors at the Community Tables; visiting our vendors booths; listening to music or showing off your skills during our open mic session; learning about local businesses, nonprofits, and community organizations in our neighborhood; taking your kids to do crafts in our kids’ area; or meeting your neighbors and learning about events at the Community Board.
We are also looking for all types of vendors, as well as volunteers to fill a variety of roles. For more info, contact [email protected].
Check out our website, www.cullycollectivemarket.org, and don’t forget to tell your family, friends, and neighbors about the Cully Collective Market on Saturday, July 24th, 2010 from 9:30am-1:30pm, and continuing through September 18th with a break on August 14th. Please be sure to forward this message along to them. Our community market will be what we make it – it’s up to us!
See you there!