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Seeking Volunteer Youth Mentor

Seeking Volunteer Mentor


Carpe Diem Foundation works with students from low-income families within the Portland, Oregon metropolitan region. ICDF provides scholarships for these students to participate in accredited academic study abroad programs, and to provide opportunities for higher education.


ICDF is seeking a dynamic individual to fill roll of Volunteer Mentor.


Volunteer Requirements: - Experience traveling in developing countries - Experience working/volunteering as well as mentor - Experience working with youth - Experience with self improvement/spiritual practice - Sense of fun, adventure and desire to inspire others!


This is a 6-8 month long volunteer commitment beginning Aug 1.


Duties as Youth Mentor: - Support and encourage first time student traveler between the ages of 18-20. - Meet with student prior to trip get acquainted, and establish a fun open relationship. - Correspond via email during trip to check in, and listen to student’s excitement, challenges and concerns during their travels. - After conclusion of semester abroad, meet with them and help the student to acclimate back into their home environment. Provide support in moving toward future goals, whether higher education or seeking employment etc.


Goal of Volunteer Mentor is to provide support to first time travelers, listen to their questions/excitement/concerns etc prior to embarking on their journey, during trip act as an ear to listen to their adventures and challenges that they are experiencing while abroad. Upon return, help them readjust, and take step towards their next future goals.


This is a volunteer position. Please send letter of interest & resume to [email protected]