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Benefit Yard Sale, Sun. Aug. 1

Dive into the local reduce/re-use economy at a summer yard sale, to benefit Living Earth. One day only Sunday, Aug. 1, 9 am - 3 pm 3534 SE Main St. , at SE Uplift, in the Hawthorne/Belmont area.


There'll be furniture, household goods, kitchen items, all kinds of miscellaneous stuff, and loads of wonderful books. All priced to be easy for Recessionistas to take home and enjoy. Proceeds benefit Living Earth. Check out our new website at www.livingearthgatherings.org.


Betsy Toll Living Earth PO Box 86960, Portland, OR 97286 www.livingearthgatherings.org 503.771.1940


Living Earth programs nurture peace, compassion, beauty, and balance in our lives and in our world. We are a tax-deductible non-profit organization. Visit www.livingearthgatherings.org to subscribe to our newsletter.