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Become a SOLV Stream Team Captain!

BE A STREAM TEAM CAPTAIN SOLV’s Team Up for Watershed Health has a program that provides an opportunity for volunteers to become more involved in watershed restoration at the leadership level. Volunteers receive watershed training in return for helping lead volunteer events at Team Up sites.

Please join us on: August 17th, 19th and 21st (you must attend all three), at the Metro Office Building in Portland

Stream Team Captain Training Schedule Tuesday, August 17th, 6-9pm : stewardship, watershed basics, restoration strategies and examples

Thursday, August 19th, 6-9pm : community involvement, working with volunteers, work party management, leadership techniques.

Saturday, August 21st, 9-3pm : FIELD DAY : project examples, planting techniques, invasive plant removal techniques, native plant identification.

Upon completion of this training, Stream Team Captains will lead Team Up volunteer events involving planting native species, invasive plant removal, native plant identification, mulching and watering. Register online or contact Meghan Ballard at [email protected] or 503-844-9571 x323.

Stream Team Captains are an essential part of the Team Up Program. The more volunteer leaders we have willing to lead events, the more restoration work we can accomplish. 1. Stream Team Captains will lead Saturday morning volunteer events on projects throughout the Metro area.

2. You will receive a 12 hour training course covering watershed basics, restoration techniques, plant identification, and how to lead a work party and work with volunteers.

3. In return for this free training and continued guidance and support, SOLV is asking for 12 hours of service in the form of leading volunteer work parties.

4. After completion of the training, you will be invited to periodic free Advanced Trainings, which focus on more in-depth education of riparian restoration. These trainings feature guest speakers and specialists in stream and wetland restoration processes, bioengineering, and plant identification.

5. Responsibilities on Day of Volunteer Event: Greet and register volunteers, have volunteers introduce each other, give introductory talk including brief SOLV description, restoration or enhancement goals for the site, and a safety talk, instruct volunteers in planting techniques and weed removal methods, organize volunteers into work parties, provide assistance, guidance, educational information and encouragement to volunteers, gather and store tools and materials at end of work day