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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Please note that this event takes place in conjunction with the Iran workshop for Educators on Friday (Middle East Studies Center) and the Annual Iranian Festival in the Park Blocks by PSU all day Saturday (Andisheh Center: http://www.andisheh.org/events.shtml ) ---------------------------------------------------------- The Middle East Studies Center, Portland State University, and the World Affairs Council of Oregon present: IRANIAN AND OTHER MIDDLE EASTERN AMERICANS: PART OF THE AMERICAN CULTURAL MOSAIC Multimedia presentation by JONATHAN FRIEDLANDER, UCLA FRIDAY, AUGUST 6, 2010, 12:00-1:30 pm, includes lunch. University Place Hotel, 310 SW Lincoln Street, Portland Hourly parking at hotel or take MAX, Tri-Met, or trolley for stops within blocks of hotel. $20 World Affairs Council Members, PSU Employees and Students; $25 general/non-WAC members ; $5 audit (no lunch) PRE-PAID REGISTRATION REQUIRED by AUGUST 3. Tickets will not be mailed for this event. To register, call WAC, (503) 306-5252, or go to www.worldoregon.org
For more than 30 years, Jonathan Friedlander has explored Middle Eastern immigration to the United States and conversely the representation of the region and its people in the annals of American popular culture. Friedlander, a leading expert in the field of Middle Eastern American studies, offers a multimedia presentation charting the intersection of Middle Eastern Americans and Middle Eastern Americana and their impact on American society, culture and politics over the last century. His research has appeared in numerous publications (including the pioneering volume Irangeles), exhibitions, and multimedia projects dealing with Middle Eastern Americans and Middle Eastern Americana. Friedlander served as Assistant Director of the Center for Near Eastern Studies and is currently affiliated with the Department of Special Collections at the Young Research Library, UCLA. For more information, call WAC (503) 306-5252 or MESC (503) 725-4074. .