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Upcoming Earthen Hand Workshops


2010 Workshop Schedule


Cob Basics and Beyond............August 21-22


Cob Farm House........................August 24-29


Earthbag Dome Training...........Sept 19-Oct 1


Cob Oven Workshop.................Oct 2-3


Sign-up today at


WWW.EARTHENHAND.COM ( http://www.earthenhand.com )


Hello everyone,


I hope you are having a fun summer! It's not over yet, and Earthen Hand has a bunch of fun workshops coming up, covering a variety of natural building skills.


Cob is artistic, come experience it first hand in SE Portland this month. Plus, two workshops are coming up back to back in Puerto Rico this September. Full schedule to the left.


Please help us make all these happen by spreading the word to others. Printable flyers attached.


These workshops are packed with information, fun, and leave people with practical skills that will last them a lifetime.


10% off for bringing a friend, 20% for groups of 4 or more.


All the best,


Scott Howard Earthen Hand Natural Building


P.S. I am also accepting applications for commission-based


promoters at this time. Email me for details.