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Springboard Innovation's August 11th Forum: Sustainability

Who: Springboard Innovation hosts its monthly Social Innovation Forum next Wednesday, August 11th 2010, from 6-9pm. There is limited space for this month’s event, so RSVP is REQUIRED. Check out the invitation here: http://bit.ly/aTLBAq


What: Springboard Innovation’s August forum will focus on the human element of sustainability and the importance of community awareness for sustainable progress in urban settings. Local business, nonprofit and higher education leaders will be speaking about how to connect with the public by simplifying technological and architectural ideas to be widely accessible, helping to combine the goals of businesses, community leaders and nonprofits to create an effective and sustainable plan where everyone’s needs are addressed. Key panelists include Peter Schoonmaker of Illahee and Alistair Williams of Equal Exchange, among others!

A question and answer period will provide an opportunity for anyone interested in the connection between community and sustainability to talk with professionals and further their social network.


When: August 11th, 2010 5:30 Doors Open; appetizers, drinks and networking 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. Discussion and Workshops


Where: The "Think Tank" at Olympic Mills Commerce Center


Cost: $10, snacks and drinks included


RSVP and Contact: Please contact us at (503) 452- 6898 or Margaret Campbell at [email protected] for more information about this event and to RSVP.

Springboard Innovation A 501 (c)(3) organization serving Portland and the globe! 107 SE Washington Street, Suite 253 Portland, OR 97209 (503) 452-6898 www.springboardinnovation.org