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Concordia Street Tree Inventory

Citizens interested in the quality of Portland’s urban forest are invited to attend Concordia’s first street tree inventory workshop! The workshop is part of the neighborhood’s effort to examine the count, type, size, and health of the local street trees. Once completed, the inventory will help create the Concordia Neighborhood Stewardship Plan, which will include findings of current conditions and recommendations for acheving neighborhood street tree goals. All Portlanders are encouraged to take part in the inventory and consider their neighborhood’s interest in a future street tree inventory and Neighborhood Stewardship Plan. The first of three sessions will take place on Saturday, August 21, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. The meeting place is McMenamin’s Kennedy School, Corcordia Community Room, located at 5736 Northeast 33rd Ave., Portland, OR 97211. For more information on the project, upcoming events, or to register for a workshop, visit www.portlandonline.com/parks/treeinventory