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Participate in the 2010 EcoChallenge

We want You to participate in the 2010 EcoChallenge!


The Northwest Earth Institute's EcoChallenge is a two week event promoting sustainable living, and the power of taking one step toward a healthy, vibrant, sustainable future. The 2010 EcoChallenge will take place October 1-15. Get more information about the EcoChallenge at www.ecochallenge.org.


Register today to be an EcoChallenger and join a growing community of people taking action on behalf of the planet!


Please feel free to forward this invitation to participate in the EcoChallenge -all who are interested in a healthy, vibrant, sustainable future are welcome to participate!


Northwest Earth Institute 107 SE Washington, Suite 235, Portland, OR 97214 Ph: 503-227-2807 / Fax: 503-227-2917 [email protected], www.nwei.org