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Our Community University: Class 2, Friday, August 20th 10-3pm

Hello, I hope you can make it to one or more of the talks this Friday. Our last gathering was remarkable. Albert


Our Community University: Class 2: Friday, August 20th, 2010


Our Community University: Class 2 Title: Continuing education to help us thrive in the future 10am-3pm on Friday, August 20, 2010 1823 NE 13th Ave. (convenient to 8, 9 and all MAX lines) Each class $10 or all 4 for $35 Post class community building discussion @ 3pm, free RSVP and/or Paypal to [email protected] to reserve your space in class! Or, at the door. Wi-fi, tea and hot water, available


For schedule changes and photos of the folks below, visit: http://albertideation.com/2010/07/31/ocu2/


And on FB: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=142389259116910&ref=ts


10am: Sarah Lambert


How to create world peace through purposeful living.


Sarah will offer meditations, exercises and psychic mini-readings to help people get in touch with the difference they are here to make in the world, and how to do it. Please visit her website, http://www.BodyInsights.com to learn more about Sarah and her services


11am: Ken Cararro


financial planning, investing, and money management


12pm: Lunch for an hour


1pm: Jon Reinschreiber


Basic Shamanic Journey Work.


In this workshop you will learn the basics of the shamanic drum journey, and undertake several journeys. You will learn to navigate between the three worlds, and meet your spirit guide. Every one should bring something to lay on, water, a notebook and pen, and an eyeshade, if you desire one. For more information on other work that Jon is leading visit: http://www.shamanicvibrations.com


2pm: Sue Supriano


I¹m a newcomer to Portland as I just moved here about 2 months ago.  I¹m honored that Albert Kaufman has asked me to speak about myself and my work as part of introducing myself to the Sacred Circle Dance Group and Our Community University.


A few words about my past and present­  Though I spent my ³growing up years² in a rural area in the midwest, I¹ve traveled a lot of the world and moved to Berkeley, CA as soon as I graduated from the University of Chicago in 1963.  I jumped right into the Civil Rights Movement and have continued as an activist for peace and justice ever since.  I lived in Berkeley and Oakland until fairly recently when I just spent 4 years in Eugene, OR..  For the last 30 years I have been involved in grassroots community radio (mostly the Pacifica radio station of KPFA as well as having my own independent website with podcasts of my audio interviews, for the last 8 years or so.   I have hundreds of interviews covering a wide variety of subjects nationally and internationally.  I will be happy to share more with you about my full and interesting life and work and we can talk about the importance of community radio of which you have a good example of here with KBOO Radio.


learn more about Sue @ Steppin out of Babylon http://www.suesupriano.com/


3-5pm: Open discussion on how to build community.  Bring your great ideas, something to drink or nibble on, and let¹s share ideas for how to build our community together.


Albert Kaufman has been building communities and leading discussions for a while.  Come join the conversation and let¹s celebrate what we¹re doing well and figure out our next steps towards a healthier, happier, more prosperous and juicier community.


More about Albert and his various talents @ http://albertideation.com/menu