Jewish Educator

Digest topic: Jobs & Internships


organization:P'nai Or of Portland
position summary:

We are a Jewish Renewal congregation seeking a dedicated Jewish educator to join our Simcha Sunday program to teach one of two classes of students ranging from 8 - 10 years old. We ask that there is a willingness to learn and teach through the lens of Jewish Renewal.

Salary / Pay Rate:$80/Sunday Session
Required Skills and Abilities:A love of children and being Jewish. Basic knowledge of Jewish holidays, Torah, mitzvot, life cycle events, and prayers. Able to create experiential activities that help the children cultivate their spirituality by bringing Torah to life in their own lives, building community through mizvot, and exploring connections to prayer as well as to holidays. Balance of playfulness and depth. Classroom management skills. Able to team up with the Dalet class teacher.
Qualifications:Back ground in religious school experience or teaching children with use of creative expression through art, storytelling, role playing, music, writing, or movement.
Education Required:College degree