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September 8th Forum 'Youth Social Entrepreneurship'
Join us on Wednesday, September 8th at 6pm for our 'Youth Social Entrepreneurship' Forum.
We will discuss the opportunities available to youth in the region to create their own social innovation initiatives. Helping youth to create and expand on current social innovations is greatly more valuable than having them tread the well worn path of 'give a man a fish' volunteering. We'll ask question such as: What is the difference between social entrepreneurship and volunteering? How can intrinsic motivation be developed to encourage youth involvement? What misconceptions or trends prevent youths from being more active in their communities?
Speakers include Laura Bulinski of Jefferson High School, Shane Endicott of Our United Villages, Jen Stone of LEP High School, and facilitator Warren Karmol. Bulinski has led the Health Sciences/Biotechnology Program at Jefferson for the last 12 years. Endicott serves as executive director at Our United Villages Rebuilding Center, a project of the Our United Villages nonprofit which encourages community development through sustainable practices. Stone is the humanities teacher at LEP High, a progressive school that focuses on leadership and providing real-life experiences.
WHEN: Wed. September 8th, 2010, 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. WHERE: Think Tank at the Olympic Mills Commerce Center (2nd floor) 107 SE Washington (corner of SE 2nd and SE Washington) Portland, OR 97214 HOW MUCH: $10 (light dinner and drinks included) RSVP RECOMMENDED: Via email or phone: [email protected] or (503) 452-6898
Springboard Innovation is a non-profit that serves Portland and other US cities. To learn more, visit us at http://www.springboardinnovation.org/