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Salmon Hike--Saturday--Family Friendly!

A wonderful opportunity is about to take place along the Salmon Creek Greenway! This August the StreamTeam will undertake a major salmon habitat enhancement project along the Salmon Creek Greenway Trail. StreamTeam members have been working to improve these conditions for over 15 years. The project will provide fish rearing areas, decrease stream temperatures and provide cover for fish to thrive.


Learn more about the grant funded project and exciting ways to bring salmon back to Salmon Creek through the following opportunities!


Nature Hike


Learn how wildlife will benefit from this project during a family friendly hike around the project area. The hike will be on a flat, paved trail less than a mile in distance. The hike will be on Saturday, August 28 from 11am until 12pm. Please RSVP for more information.


Hard hat tours coming soon!


Please visit the StreamTeam webpage (www.StreamTeam.net) or contact me for more information!


Lisa Beranek * StreamTeam Coordinator * Clark Public Utilities Office hours: Tuesday through Friday PO Box 8900 Vancouver Wa 98668 (360) 992-8585 [ST_BigTypeLogo_pcExprt]


Reconnect with your inner explorer!


Become a Stream Steward! Stewards of all ages are building their skill set and putting knowledge into action!


"Excellent! Everyone should take this course!"--Stream Steward 2005