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Birdfest and Bluegrass - Special Event Volunteers Needed!

Join the fun and Help the Community!


Here are some of the areas where we need your help:


- Set up and take down tables, chairs, tents, put up signs, etc.


- Assist with Children's Activities at Davis Park


- Staff information tables at various locations around town and on Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. Assist with bus tours, parking and shuttle bus schedules.


- Serve as an "Ambassador" for the Friends of Ridgefield NWR at various locations around town.


- Sell commemorative buttons for Bluegrass Music events on Saturday, Oct 9.


- Check-in paddlers for kayak tours


For more information about this event see The Friends of the Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge website: www.ridgefieldfriends.org


OR contact the Refuge Volunteer Coordinator Josie Finley at 360-887-4106 or [email protected]