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Motivational Interviewing---Rolling With Resistance, Inspiring Change. Sept. 24th, 8:30-1:00

Purpose: This workshop will provide a brief overview of Motivational Interviewing with specific attention to practice skills associated with rolling with resistance. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to both learn about and practice various techniques and skills to work with clients who are not yet motivated, ready, or confident to engage in behavior change.


Workshop Leader: Stéphanie Wahab, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor at Portland State University’s School of Social Work. She has been practicing Motivational Interviewing (MI) for the past 16 years and has been an MI trainer since 2000. Dr. Wahab had the good fortune of being trained by Dr. Bill Miller as well as other key MI practitioners and scholars. She is a member of the international network of MI trainers known as MINT. She teaches MI at PSU and trains individuals and organizations locally and nationally. She has trained individuals in MI in the areas of substance use, dual diagnoses, domestic violence, case management, dietary modification, smoking cessation, harm reduction, public health, and HIV/AIDS prevention. She has also been engaged in a number of federally-funded intervention studies using MI including a current community-based participatory research project in Portland with African-American survivors of intimate partner violence who have also experienced depression.


The cost of this training is fifty dollars and 4 CEUs are available upon completion of training.


Stéphanie is generously donating her services and expertise. All proceeds raised will go directly to the Al Forthan Scholarship Fund.


Please Contact:


Kristin Yates Education and Prevention Services Coordinator Volunteers of America Men's Residential Center 2318 NE MLK Jr Blvd Portland, OR 97212 [email protected] 503-802-0299