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FREE Spanish Parenting Class in Rockwood!
For those of you not familiar with our mission, the Center for Family Success creates opportunities for families who have criminal justice involvement to link to resources, experience coached family time, enhance life skills and develop positive social networks to build family success.
The Rockwood Center for Family Success will be starting our first ever Parenting Inside Out Class in Spanish on September 9th 2010!
Rockwood Center for Family Success (229 SE 181st Ave Portland OR 97233) Begins September 9th 2010 Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6-8pm.
PIO is a twelve week course that meets twice a week for two hours each time. In PIO justice-involved parents learn a variety of positive parenting techniques they can use the rest of their lives. By applying best practice & research-based criteria for early intervention, PIO provides a model for healthy parenting. Through interactive coaching, role-play, journaling, and discussion, parents expand their understanding of child development, learn how to problem solve, and develop the skill of emotion regulation. All of our classes are provided for FREE to parents and childcare is available. In order to join the class all parents must first complete a scheduled intake at our office.
While the Spanish version of PIO is new, the curriculum is not. The English prison version has been taught in prisons throughout the state for 7 years and the English community version for 5 years. We are thrilled to expand the opportunity to participate in PIO to Spanish speaking families in Multnomah Co.
Who is this class for?
We are currently funded to serve parents residing in Multnomah County. As stated above, our mission is to work with criminal justice involved families and families who are at risk of criminal justice involvement. Some common risk factors are domestic violence, child abuse, failure to pay child support, and substance abuse. Criminal justice involvement may be that the parent is on parole or probation, has a restraining order or no-contact order, has a history of criminal justice involvement but is no longer on probation, or that another parent or caregiver to the child has one of the above. If in the nature of your work with the referred client, it is not appropriate to determine the above before referring, we will follow up. Self referrals are also welcome.
For flyers for the class, the referral form, or more general information about this or our other programs please contact....
Oriana Quackenbush Intake Coordinator and Parent Advocate The Center for Family Success [email protected] ph.( 503)286-0600 cell (503)314-8264 fax (503)286-0325
Thank you!!