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CNRG Networking Night's are on the 3rd Thursday of the Month
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Become a Zenger Farm FOOD EDUCATOR!
Become a Zenger Farm FOOD EDUCATOR! Help us build food security in our neighborhood by being a part of our newest program, Healthy Eating on a Budget. Volunteer Food Educators work as a team to conduct gardening, shopping and cooking workshops in East Portland. Help folks with limited budgets gain skills to grow, shop for, and cook healthy meals.
There are several volunteer roles to fill, including chefs, youth educators, garden educators and assistants. We especially need skilled cooks with experience stretching food dollars and would love to work with volunteers who live in East Portland. We welcome applications from volunteers of all backgrounds and experience levels who are excited about learning the workshop format and content and developing proficiency in their volunteer role. We ask for a commitment of 2 workshops (about 10 hours) per month for 3 months.
INTERESTED? Next steps:
1) Read the Position Description and complete the Volunteer Application on our website at www.zengerfarm.org/volunteer and send to Prairie Hale, [email protected]. Questions? Call Prairie at 503-282-4245.
2) Come to a Food Educator Training at the farm to meet the education team, learn about the volunteer roles and sign up for fall workshops. Includes farm fresh refreshments! RSVP to Prairie Hale, [email protected] or 503-282-4245.
Monday, September 20th
At Zenger Farm
Prairie Hale
Community Involvement Coordinator
Friends of Zenger Farm
11741 SE Foster Road
Portland, OR 97206