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tutors needed for Homework Club
ROSE CDC's Homework Club is part of our youth development programs, aim at helping children and youth from low income families succeed in school and in life. The Club runs from 3:30-5:00pm Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students engage in warm up activities before working with their tutor on homework and/or areas in which they need help.
Tutor responsibilities: 1.Help students with homework and/or identified subjects 2.Build positive relationship with students. 4.Must commit to at least one day a week for 3 months
Volunteer qualifications: 1.dependable 2.enjoys helping young people 3.willingness to maintain the confidentiality of youth and families served 4.friendly, patient, and optimistic
If interested please contact Han Tran by September 21st at [email protected] or 503-762-1466
ROSE CDC combines affordable housing programs with supportive services and economic opportunities to Revitalize Outer South East. Our youth programs serve children and youth from low-income and disadvantaged families. Our goal is to engage youth in after-school and summer activities to increase their academic and life potentials.