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CCHD Economic Development Grant Applications Now Available

The Portland chapter of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is accepting applications for Fall Local Economic Development Grants.


The application deadline is Tuesday October 12th.


CCHD Local Grant Proposals may be up to $5,000, which are available for one year. Local CCHD Grants fund or support economic development initiatives that are small or in the early stages of development. Economic development projects assist poor and low-income people to develop new businesses, create new jobs and protect assets. These local grants are intended for projects that provide the potential for those in poverty to participate in decision-making while having the dominant voice in the organization.


Past projects include: -flexible income opportunities to over 200 homeless and low-income individuals each year -green community-based economic development program that empowers artisans and actively connects them to markets -an incubation program for food-related micro-enterprise in the commercial kitchen of the First United Methodist Church in (FUMC) Corvallis, Oregon -organic farms for immigrant workers


For more information and the application, please visit our website at http://www.archdpdx.org/jprespect/CCHD%20Page%201.html or email Matt Cato at [email protected].