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Oregon Gymnastics Academy

OGA is a non-profit gymnastics facility.

Contact Information

website link:www.ogagym.org
address:16305 NW Bethany Court
Suite 109
Beaverton, OR  97006
principal contact:Samantha Logan
email:[email protected]
contact note:Director of Recreational Programs Hours: M-F 9am - 5pm


OGA is a non-profit orginization whose mission is to promote and motivate character, fitness, and health in the lives of our athletes, employees, and community through the sport of gymnastics.


Building champions one child at a time.


OGA offers both recreational classes and competitive programs in both artistic and rhythmic gymnastics. Our goal as a non-profit organization is to benefit our members, as well as the surrounding communities by offering resources for physical, social, and cognitive development. The benefits of gymnastics are numerous, and our most recent efforts as a non-profit include offering instruction to children with developmental disabilities and the development of a community outreach program that brings gymnastics to children at a SUN Community School in NE Portland.