New Catagory Suggestion --- Gleaners-Nourishing Communities

Hello CNRG Board,

I'm developing a project under the guidance of "Local Agenda NW" on social enterpenurship.

I'm creating a model to alleviate hunger by gleaning perishable foods, that can be delivered to those in need and reduce food waste. I've interviewed several Portland gleaning groups, food pantry's, charities who feed the hungry, and will tour tour the Oregon Food Bank next week. I am looking for areas of synergy and believe your site is a catalyst for community citizenship.

Will you consider adding a Gleaner Category to your site? Example; the residents of Dignity Village receive a donation of fresh pairs, more than the camp could consume. Rather than letting them rot, they post a listing on your site for pick up. A Clackamas Gleaner group reads the posting, contacts Dignity and picks up the pairs for their food pantry. The Clackamas group sends the rotting pairs to a pig farmer.

Check out the "Fork It Over" site. It's a good resource but a non-functional, interactive site.

Can you help me connect donors of critical grocery products and food with charities who serve the needest among us? Here is a link to an article on Sunshine Pantry's Portland treasure Sharon Straus. She exemplifies what one person can do to change the world.

Sincerley, Claire Simons Portland Oregon 503-705-7350

HOBY 2008 Facilitators Needed

Thank you for your interest in serving as a Facilitator for the 2008 Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar in Oregon! We need volunteers like YOU to continue the spirit of HOBY by mentoring the outstanding young leaders of our state. The 2008 HOBY Leadership Seminar will be held May 30th to June 1st at the University of Portland in Portland, Oregon. Below you will find information regarding the position of Facilitator and the application process.

What is a Facilitator? Facilitators lead a group of 10-12 high school sophomores serving as their school’s “Ambassadors” to the leadership seminar. The primary duty of a facilitator is to provide adult leadership and guidance, as well as facilitate group discussions and supervise the group at all times. All volunteer staff members strive to provide the Ambassadors with the best HOBY experience possible.

Who Can Apply? Previous HOBY participants and others with an interest in the organization and the seminar are encouraged to apply. All Facilitators must be at least 21 years of age and agree to a background check. Individuals must be responsible enough to supervise minors and carry out the HOBY program mission. Anyone with an interest in youth leadership, volunteerism, and improving their communities through service are invited to join the HOBY family of volunteers.

When is the Seminar? Facilitators must be able to attend the entire seminar – Friday, May 30th through Sunday, June 1st – including overnight. In addition, Facilitators will need to participate in a training session to be held Thursday afternoon prior to the seminar. Lodging and meals will be provided starting Thursday, May 29th. Please note that all of the funds required for the seminar are being raised by our HOBY Oregon volunteers. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution in cash, or in-kind goods such as snacks and/or seminar supplies, please contact us.

How do I Apply? To apply to be a seminar Facilitator, fill out the attached application forms and send to:

Nicole Zendehdel HOBY Director of National Programs

By Mail: 10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 410 Los Angeles, CA 90024

By Fax: (310) 573-0345

By E-mail: *Please note that the original copy of the background check form and code of conduct form must be submitted as well.

**Applications due May 2, 2008

Feel free to call Nicole at (310) 454-2613 if you have any questions.

HOBY 2008 Facilitarors Needed

Thank you for your interest in serving as a Facilitator for the 2008 Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Seminar in Oregon! We need volunteers like YOU to continue the spirit of HOBY by mentoring the outstanding young leaders of our state. The 2008 HOBY Leadership Seminar will be held May 30th to June 1st at the University of Portland in Portland, Oregon. Below you will find information regarding the position of Facilitator and the application process.

What is a Facilitator? Facilitators lead a group of 10-12 high school sophomores serving as their school’s “Ambassadors” to the leadership seminar. The primary duty of a facilitator is to provide adult leadership and guidance, as well as facilitate group discussions and supervise the group at all times. All volunteer staff members strive to provide the Ambassadors with the best HOBY experience possible.

Who Can Apply? Previous HOBY participants and others with an interest in the organization and the seminar are encouraged to apply. All Facilitators must be at least 21 years of age and agree to a background check. Individuals must be responsible enough to supervise minors and carry out the HOBY program mission. Anyone with an interest in youth leadership, volunteerism, and improving their communities through service are invited to join the HOBY family of volunteers.

When is the Seminar? Facilitators must be able to attend the entire seminar – Friday, May 30th through Sunday, June 1st – including overnight. In addition, Facilitators will need to participate in a training session to be held Thursday afternoon prior to the seminar. Lodging and meals will be provided starting Thursday, May 29th. Please note that all of the funds required for the seminar are being raised by our HOBY Oregon volunteers. If you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution in cash, or in-kind goods such as snacks and/or seminar supplies, please contact us.

How do I Apply? To apply to be a seminar Facilitator, fill out the attached application forms and send to:

Nicole Zendehdel HOBY Director of National Programs

By Mail: 10880 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 410 Los Angeles, CA 90024

By Fax: (310) 573-0345

By E-mail: *Please note that the original copy of the background check form and code of conduct form must be submitted as well.

**Applications due May 2, 2008

Feel free to call Nicole at (310) 454-2613 if you have any questions.

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