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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
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Free Gardening Classes for your clients
Host a free Garden Workshop!
Do you work with adults who might enjoy learning about gardening? Do you wish you could offer your clients tools to become more self-sufficient? Have you heard that gardening increases self-esteem, community connections and nutrition?
Oregon Food Bank’s Seed to Supper program offers free gardening workshops to individuals and low-income groups.
We have piloted these workshops at our garden in NE Portland and are currently training volunteers to lead these workshops at agencies throughout the metropolitan area. The most popular workshop is our 5-week “Gardening in the Pacific Northwest” workshop series for beginning gardeners. The series consists of 5 different 1.5 hour workshops on a variety of gardening topics. We have offered it at Oregon Food Bank four times with more than 20 people attending each time. These are indoor classes which target adult audiences. We also offer several different one-time classes or hands-on classes if you have a garden on site.
We are currently recruiting up to 3 agencies to host the 5-week series and up to 5 agencies to host one-time classes this fall. Hosting agencies will be required to recruit 5-25 people to attend the class, provide a staff member to accompany the group and provide a space for the class to take place. Oregon Food Bank will provide a trained and knowledgeable workshop leader, handouts, garden supplies (like seeds) for participants to keep, and garden-related refreshments. If you are interested in hosting a workshop at your agency, please contact the Learning Gardens Program Coordinator, Starr Farris, at 530-282-0555 ext. 268 or [email protected].
Starr Farris
More grows in the garden than was sown there.