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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Celebrate with The Village Free School
We are having an Open House to share our amazing new building and celebrate the next big step for our school.
If you've visited the school before, you're in for a great surprise. Our new space is in a graceful old elementary school with big windows, a huge commercial kitchen and a real stage downstairs! If you or someone you know is interested in Democratic Education, Unschooling, or Free Schools--or just looking for an exciting educational option for your child, please join us. A little bit about our school and the details of the open house follow.
Take care and enjoy the last weeks of summer,
Michelle Keil
At the Village Free School, we believe that children are naturally drawn to skills that will serve them in life, such as reading, problem solving, conflict resolution, critical thinking, and leadership. Students are supported, challenged, and taken seriously--never graded, labeled, or compared. Our school is a vibrant and fun place to be and we'd love to share it with you!
On Saturday, August 9th, the Village Free School community invites you to join us for an Open House in our new location at 8660 SE Foster.
The pre-fun begins at 9:00am with cookie making in the commercial kitchen. Space is limited to first 15 kids who sign up. Participants will leave with at least one cookie and a great recipe. RSVP by emailing [email protected]
The open house will begin in full at 10:00am with a morning welcome and quick meeting where spontaneous classes, workshops, and other fun projects for the day can be shared.
At 11:00am there will be a student panel offered with time available for prospective students and parents to ask questions.
Then at 12:00pm Executive Director Scott Nine will be joined by a couple of staff members to answer questions from those curious to learn more about how the school works.
We hope to see you there. No RSVP needed for the open house from 10:00am to 1:00pm but it is appreciated. You can send this to [email protected]