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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
Potluck Picnic in the Park this Friday!
Friday, Aug. 15 – Potluck Summer Picnic ~ Laurelhurst Park
6:00-8:00pm, Picnic area near the SE 35th and Oak Entrance
Come and join us for low-key potluck picnic in the park, to enjoy the warm summer evening and share a meal with friends. Be sure to bring your own plate and utensils if you can! And a potluck dish to share, and musical instruments if you have ‘em. Catch up with old and new friends and hear a little bit about Living Earth’s project with Ram Dass on bringing an awakened heart into our actions on the critical issues of our time.
Details about this and all Living Earth activities are online at www.livingearthgatherings.org
Sunday August 17 - Sunday Gathering ~ Reflection and Meditation
4:30-6:00pm, Yoga Shala SE, 3249 SE Division
Quiet reflection, sitting and moving meditations. Suggested donation: $5+, but all are welcome
And in September…
Sept. 7 Sunday Gathering and Dances of Universal Peace
Sept. 12 Nada Brahma Concert -- Amazing classical Indian musical evening with Ty Burhoe and Shubhendra Rao. Advance tickets available now.
Sept. 18 Climate Craziness – 7:00 pm, First Unitarian Church Buchan Building.
Ruth Rosenhek of John Seed’s Rainforest Information Centre will show a short film with Starhawk, Vandana Shiva, John, and Matthew Fox, and lead a discussion about the radical changes that are on our doorstep.
Sept. 21 Sunday Gathering ~ Reflection and Meditation
Sept. 26 Living Earth Circle ~ Open conversation and reflection, sharing our inner journeys.
Sept. 27 Living Earth Circle Workshop in Hood River
Details and advance registration are online now.
Betsy Toll
Living Earth Gatherings
PO Box 86960, Portland, OR 97286
503-788-7311 ~ www.livingearthgatherings.org
Living Earth offers community events, workshops, presentations, celebrations, and retreats that cultivate awareness of deep interdependence, empower full-hearted action in the world, and nurture movement toward a just, sustainable, vibrant, and peaceful future.