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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
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New Writing Workshop Added!
Prompt: A Write Around Portland Community Workshop
Join us for a weekly seminar devoted to generative writing and the transformative power of writing in community. Based on the successful Write Around Portland model, this dynamic workshop incorporates many of our favorite exercises designed to inspire the writing life, including free-writing; group discussion; imagery, character, plot and poetry development; and early-draft revision.
All proceeds from Prompt go directly toward funding Write Around Portland workshops and programs for people affected by HIV/AIDS, veterans living with PTSD, people with mental illness, seniors living on a low income, teen parents and many others.
Meets weekly for 10 weeks
Sept 24 through Dec 3, 2008
Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm
Powell’s Books, Burnside
Facilitated by: Sara Guest
$285 (includes free parking, snacks, and access to the “bowels of Powells”)
Prompt facilitator, Sara Guest, has a BA in creative writing and an MA in literature. She is editor of VoiceCatcher3, an anthology of Portland women’s writing. At this year's Tin House Writers Workshop, Sara workshopped fiction with Andrea Barrett . She is a former speech writer, writing instructor and has worked professionally as an editor for 15 years. Sara has facilitated numerous Write Around Portland workshops as a volunteer and in her current role on our staff as Program Coordinator.
For more information or to register, please contact Write Around Portland at 503.796.9224 or visit our website at www.writearound.org