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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Mindful Gifts Bazaar -- Register Now!!!
On Saturday, December 13th, Bridgeport UCC will host the 7th Annual Mindful Gifts Bazaar -- a unique holiday bazaar for non-profits. From10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., nonprofits from all over the Portland area come together for this great fund and friend-raising event, "selling" pieces of their organization's projects to people who want to give meaningful and affordable gifts to their friends & families while supporting the work of Portlands non-profits.
This year we’re again renting the table space on a sliding scale from $35 to $50 for the use of ½ table. Full tables will be available at a cost of $50-$100 after Nov. 1st in order to allow as many groups as possible to participate. If you would like a whole table, please indicate on your registration form & come November, you've got first dibs.
Heres how it works: Your non-profit rents table space at the church to sell your organizations services. By creating unique gift tokens that represent some service or project that your organization offers (like photographs, river rocks, seed packs, book marks, etc.) you can raise funds and expand awareness of your program. Of course you can also print out gift certificates or sell your organizations shirts, hats, posters, etc., but the more creative you are, the more shoppers will flock to your booth. By purchasing a gift certificate/token to give to their loved ones, Mindful Gift Bazaar shoppers make a contribution to you!
So your non-profit has the opportunity to make some money, but just as important, you get to meet and talk to lots of people about your great organization and get to know other folks in the non-profit community. Its a truly festive day we feed you a great (and free!) lunch, musicians play and lots of great things happen!
So become a part of this great holiday tradition. Email me ASAP at & Ill send you the registration form, so you can grab a good table! And if you know of any musicians who'd like to play, have them get in touch!
More info about us: Bridgeport United Church of Christ is a multi-cultural, multi-racial, Open and Affirming, Just Peace congregation of progressive political people exploring & celebrating the Christian faith. About 90% of our congregation work in non-profits or in human services. We are located at the corner of NE 76th & Irving and have lots of parking & the main level is wheelchair accessible.
-- Susan Leo Bridgeport United Church of Christ A joyful community working for justice, nurturing peace, exploring and celebrating our progressive Christian faith. 621 NE 76th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97213 503 258-0992 www.bridgeportucc.org