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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Follow your passion, Idealist.org grad fair
Thinking about grad school to further your social change career goals? Want to make a difference with a graduate degree? Idealist.org Portland Graduate Degree Fair for the Public Good ...where you -meet with representatives from a wide range of social change graduate programs -explore how different graduate degrees for the public good, from management and social work, to public health and public interest law can provide career and leadership development opportunities -attend a panel of graduate admissions professionals to glean insight to the admissions process Free and open to the public! Saturday, October 4 11 am - 2 pm Governor Hotel Heritage Ballroom, 3rd Floor Main entrance on 11th, between Alder Street and Morrison Street 614 SW 11th Avenue, Portland, OR Watch this video to see what it will be like www.idealist.org/en/fairs/gradfairvideo.html Generously hosted by Graduate Business Programs at Portland State University www.gradbusiness.pdx.edu *for more info and to register visit snipurl.com/pdx08gf If you pre-register, you will receive free tips on how to prepare for the fair, reminders and any updates via e-mail tell your friends! Jung FitzpatrickGraduate Education Communications CoordinatorIdealist.org1220 SW Morrison, Suite 1000Portland, OR 97205503.227.0803 ext 106Check out our Graduate Education Resources: www.idealist.org/gradschools