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Greetings Friends! Sunshine Division, a local emergency food relief agency, is gearing up for our holiday food box program. We hope to pack and deliver 4,000 holiday food boxes to families and individuals in need right here in Portland in December. In order to do this, we need YOUR HELP!


Sunshine Division is seeking businesses, schools, churches and other organizations to help us by hosting a cranberry sauce drive in September and October! Sunshine needs 2,500 more cans of cranberry sauce to have enough to provide each of our 4,000 families with the fixings for a complete holiday meal. That equals about 10 full collection barrels of cranberries or about 2,000 lbs of sauce!


Can you help? It’s easy and FUN to coordinate a food drive. Sunshine Division will give you all the resources you need. We will deliver collection barrels and pick them up, we will help you brainstorm ideas to make your drive a success, and we will provide you with information on Sunshine Division and our unique programs. If you can’t coordinate a food drive, you can still help! Drop off cans of cranberry sauce at Sunshine Division (687 N. Thompson St).


If you would like to get involved as we ramp up for the holidays, give me a call or email me (503.823.2116 or [email protected])! We are hoping to find several organizations who can work together to help us reach our goal!






Britt Rosenberg Community Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator Sunshine Division / Emergency food & clothing relief since 1923 dir 503.823.2116 fax 503.823.2118 sunshinedivision.org 687 N. Thompson St. / Portland, OR 97227

Families shouldn’t have to choose between paying rent and buying groceries. Yet our shelves are emptying faster than we can refill them. You can help by sponsoring a Sunshine Division food drive at your office, club, or church. Call us for details.