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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
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Economic Development Project Grant Cycle - Applications Due October 15th
The Portland chapter of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development is accepting applications for our Fall Economic Development Project Grants. The application deadline is October 15th. CCHD Economic Development Project (EDP) Grants fund organizations and businesses in our community which create good jobs and just workplaces, and develop assets for low-income people that are owned by families and communities. Examples include:-Real Estate Initiatives that foster both ownership and leadership opportunities for low-income people.-Business Incubators and Marketplaces that provide a facility and ongoing support for small business development. -Community Development Financial Institutions, such as community development credit unions, loan funds and community banks.-Social Purpose and Training Businesses that combine on-the-job training with the operation of a profit-making enterprise.-Worker-Owned and Community-Owned Businesses with ownership and organizational structures that create both income and assets for low-income people. While the types of Economic Development Projects funded are diverse, what they have in common is a dedication to promoting leadership in low-income communities, and in their own organizations. To that end, the board for any CCHD-funded EDP must have 33% low-income representation, and at least 50% of the beneficiaries of services must be low-income. Local Economic Development Projects grants may be used for technical assistance and/or internal development related to one or more of the following:-Research and analysis of pertinent community needs resources and regional economic conditions in order to establish the EDI’s strategic direction.-Preparation and evaluation of a clear, comprehensive, and detailed strategic plan that establishes how the EDI will develop and operate over the next three to five years.-Leadership development on the EDI Board of Directors and within the organization that assures organizational alignment with the strategic plan and prepares the organization for implementation of the plans. If you believe your organization qualifies, please email [email protected]. You will be sent a more extensive explanation of our EDP grants, as well as an application. If your organization qualifies, you will also be contacted after October 15th to arrange a site visit to your organization. Thank You! Cat WillettDirector of Justice and PeaceArchdiocese of [email protected]