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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
A Call for CNRG Volunteers!
CNRG needs you!
CNRG is the connection point and is the vehicle for sharing information in the Portland metro nonprofit community. CNRG is where it is today thanks to the amazing generosity of the community. All of our resources go directly to programs; we have no paid staff.
CNRG is seeking volunteers to help us with a wide range of needs. Including:
* Implementing our marketing plan
* Providing technical assistance for our Drupal site
* Editing web copy
* Moderating the CNRG daily digest
* Coordinating our monthly nonprofit networking event
* Helping us seed the discussion forums on our snazzy new website
* Participating in an environmentally focused committee (The Dirt)
* Becoming a Board member
Please visit the CNRG website for information about these opportunities!