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Parents For Paid Leave Garage Sale

Come to our huge garage sale!  You'll find great deals, quality household and kids' items, a lemonade stand, and a chance to support activist parents working to bring paid family leave to Oregon!

What:  Multi-family garage sale and fund-raiser for Parents For Paid Leave

When:  Saturday, September 20th, 10am to 3pm

Where: the corner of NE 47th & Siskiyou,  2 blocks south of NE Fremont

Why: Parents For Paid Leave is a grassroots, entirely volunteer organization of mamas and papas who feel passionately that we need access to paid family leave in our state, and are working hard to make it happen this coming year.  We're working with state legislators, union leaders, activist organizations, national women's policy groups, and business folks to make this happen.  Wondering why we need funds?  We've already spent money on our website and anticipate paying for gas to get our citizen lobbyist back and forth to Salem when the time comes.  Hope to see you on Saturday!