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The Oregon Encyclopedia Project Community Meeting in Portland - September 27
Open your mind to Oregon!
On Saturday, September 27, 2008, Portland State University and the Oregon Historical Society invite the public to “open their minds to Oregon” and contribute their knowledge of local history and culture to The Oregon Encyclopedia, a new on-line resource where information on the state’s significant people, places, events, institutions, and biota will be available to anyone with access to the World Wide Web at www.oregonencyclopedia.org.
A public community meeting will be held on the project in Portland on Saturday, September 27 from 1:00-4:00 p.m. at Multnomah County’s Central Library, 801 SW Tenth Ave., Portland. The meeting will provide information about The Oregon Encyclopedia and gather information for the project. Facilitating the meeting will be Linda Tamura, Editor-in-Chief of the Encyclopedia and Professor of Education at Willamette University in Salem.
Portland State University (PSU) and the Oregon Historical Society (OHS) are the institutional partners for The Oregon Encyclopedia. The project is also supported by a collaborative of the state’s five cultural partners— the Oregon Arts Council, Oregon Council for the Humanities, Oregon Heritage Commission, Oregon Historical Society, and the State Historic Preservation Office— with funding from the Oregon Cultural Trust. The Oregon Council of Teachers of English, the Oregon University System, Willamette University, the Oregon Heritage Commission, and private donors have provided additional support. The Oregon Encyclopedia is an official Sesquicentennial Partner Project of Oregon 150.
This is a free event
For more information contact Susan Martin at:
[email protected] 503-725-3990