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New Publication: 20 Tip Every Strategic Grant Seeker Should Know
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I've just completed a new publication designed to help grant seekers be more strategic and successful in their solicitations. It's based on over a dozen years of experience as a program director/grant maker for one of the large foundations and a couple of decades of grant seeking. Over the years I've found grant seekers often approach solicitations from their own perspective. They typically underappreciating the donor's perspective and often don't leverage this perspective to their advantage.
20 Tips Every Strategic Grant Seeker should know tries to level the playing field. It explores the key issues from a grant maker’s perspective, providing grant seekers insight into the dynamics of the donor decision making process and the reasoning behind it. Most importantly, it lays out successful strategies to leverage these dynamics. The twenty-four page guide is written in very practical terms. Each page describes a distinct donor behavior or practice, a brief description of why it occurs, its effect, and finally a strategy for the grant seeker to leverage or avoid it.
It's written for every grant seeker wanting to do a better job of translating their passion into successful grants or who have walked away from donor interactions wondering what they were thinking. Expect at least a few “A-Ha” moments as you read the tips and accumulate insight into donor behavior you may not have considered.
You can access this publication at http://grantseekersedge.org
As the first entry in my new Tea & Strategy Series this manual is being offered free in the developing world. In the developed world it is being paired with another, discounted green tea offer to leverage and link three social responsibility objectives at once: better grant seeking knowledge, a healthier lifestyle and a reduced carbon footprint - see the website reference above for more details.
About the Author: 20 Tips Every Strategic Grant Seeker should know is written by Jonathan Peizer, the author of The book, The Dynamics of Technology for Social Change. He has over two decades of socially responsible project implementation experience including work as a program director with the Open Society Institute, nonprofit founder and board chair of Aspiration (aspirationtech.org) and developer of capaciteria.org - the peer rated nonprofit capacity index. He is currently the Principal and President of Internaut Consulting, providing strategic consulting advice on socially responsible initiatives to nonprofits, corporations and governments and managing one of its own - http://greentealovers.com
If you have questions and comments or want more information about Internaut Consulting services visit http://Internautconsulting.com or send an e-mail to [email protected]