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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
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Social Innovation Forum - Oct. 8th
The Springboard Social Innovation Forum is a new monthly event designed to engage community members in solving local challenges with lasting solutions, kicks off Oct. 8 with a focus on social innovation.
The free event, scheduled for 6-9 p.m. at Urban Grind, 2214 NE Oregon, promises a mix of conversation, collaboration, and professional support for social venture launchers, all designed to help move good ideas into action. Homegrown social entrepreneur Shane Endicott, founder and CEO of the Rebuilding Center and Our United Villages, will be the keynoter for the October event.
Learn more about our non-profit and the monthly event at www.springboardinnovation.org
Date: Every Second Wednesday (kick off Oct. 8th)
Topic: Social Innovation
Time: 6-9pm
Location: Urban Grind (2214 NE Oregon, PDX)
Media Contact: Amy Pearl - 503.407.8459