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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on November 18th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Plant Trees with SOLV in October!
Plant Trees with SOLV in October!
Plant Trees and help restore watersheds at SOLV’s Team Up For Watershed Health sites. All of our plantings are along sensitive, high priority ecological areas along stream banks in the Portland area that were recently overwhelmed by invasive plants. By planting native trees and shrubs in these areas volunteers will be creating habitat for future generations of birds, small mammals, and fish. Plantings start at 9 am and end by 12 pm. We will be planting at the following locations in October:
Saturday, October 4th: Tryon Creek in SW PDX and Fields Creek in West Linn
Saturday, October 18th: Tryon Creek in SW PDX, Wilkes Creek in NE PDX, and Goat
Island in Gladstone
Saturday, October 25th: Two plantings at Tryon Creek in SW PDX, OMSI in SE PDX, and Rinearson Creek in Gladstone
For more information and to register visit the Team up For Watershed Health Website, http://www.solv.org/programs/teamup_watershed_health.asp. Event information is found at the very bottom of the page. You can also contact Brett Lyon at [email protected] or 503-844-9571 x 332. Put on your boots, grab a shovel, and come dig in! We hope to see you out in your watershed!
Fax: 503-844-9575 1-800-333-SOLV (Toll Free in Oregon) 5193 NE Elam Young Pkwy, Suite B Hillsboro, Oregon 97124 www.solv.org
42 out of every 100 SOLV volunteers is a student. Support SOLV’s Education Programs and support a child’s future.
Before you print think about the ENVIRONMENT