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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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YouthLine Volunteer Training!
Do you know any exceptional High School students between 15 and 18 who would be interested in volunteering for Oregon Partnership’s YouthLine? YouthLine is a free + confidential 24-hour teen-to-teen crisis, counseling, and referral line located in SW Portland serving Oregon youth. Volunteer Youth Peer Counselors answer calls Monday thru Friday between 4-10pm.
Our Peer Counselors undergo 40 hours of initial training to address topics that affect the lives of young people: suicide, alcohol & drug use, depression, relationships and dating violence, family issues, sexuality, and more. . . This initial orientation only happens 3 times a year and our fall training is coming up SOON!
All volunteers are required to:
*Complete an application and have an interview,
*Attend all training dates (listed below), and
*Commit to one 3-hour shift every week for at least 6 months.
Thursday November 6th 5-9 pm
Saturday November 8th 10am-5 pm
Tuesday (Veterans Day Holiday) November 11 10am-5pm
Thursday November 13th 5-9pm
Saturday November 15th 10am-5pm
If you’re interested in this opportunity or would like more information please call the YouthLine staff Timothy Kelly or Raina Daniels at 503.244.5211 ext. 618, or email at [email protected]. Hope we hear from you soon!
YouthLine 1-877-553-TEEN