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review of the 2008 peak oil conference with special guest Jan Lundberg!
Oct 15 2008 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Three of the Portland Peak Oil regulars (Jeremy, Jerry & Per) and special guest Jan Lundberg attended 2008 conference for the Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO - USA - http://www.aspo-usa.org/aspousa4/ ) and will be giving a summary of the conference.
Jan Lundberg is the founder and publisher of Culture Change ( www.culturechange.org ). He was a well-known oil-industry analyst when he changed over to nonprofit environmental activism in 1988. His work has since been profiled in The Washington Post, Sun Magazine, Associated Press, and he has broadcast his ideas on CBS Radio Network, NPR, and elsewhere. He is available for presentations and will take public transportation: "Car free for 19 years!"
Here is a list some of the slideshows ( http://www.aspo-usa.org/aspousa4/proceedings ) and here is a recent article Jan published that was picked up by EnergyBulletin.net, http://energybulletin.net/node/46857
St. Francis Dining Hall - 1182 SE Pine Portland, OR