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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
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Justice Night at the Movies -- "A Force More Powerful" pt.3
Wed. Oct. 15th, 7PM, Bridgeport United Church of Christ, 621 NE 76th Ave.
"A Force More Powerful" is a 4 part documentary series that explores one of the 20th century's most important but least understood stories - how nonviolent power has overcome oppression and authoritarian rule all over the world. An inspiring and lively discussion following the films will be led by David Delk of the Alliance for Democracy. Free.
This week we'll learn how the people of 2 European nations used non violence in horrifying situations. We'll see historic footage of how Denmark banded together to non-violently subvert fascism and save over 7000 Danish Jews. And we'll learn how striking Polish workers used their leverage to negotiate unprecedented rights and a new governing party, where there was no power separate from the communist party. Admission: Free
-- Rev. Susan Leo Bridgeport United Church of Christ A joyful community working for justice, nurturing peace, exploring and celebrating our progressive Christian faith. 621 NE 76th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97213 503 258-0992 www.bridgeportucc.org Good coffee, cool people, hot church!