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Environmental Restoration Team w/ Columbia Land Trust & AmeriCorps
Columbia Land Trust is a regional non-profit conservation organization whose mission is to conserve signature landscapes and vital habitat together with the landowners of the Columbia River region. We perform conservation and environmental restoration work in Oregon and Washington near the Columbia River. We are hiring four AmeriCorps positions to work as a team to accomplish a wide variety of environmental restoration projects in 2009. The term of service is 1700 hours served from January 22 - December 18, 2009. Positions are open until filled, which we anticipate will be mid-November 2008. The four positions are:
Environmental Projects Leader: This position will focus on guiding the planning and implementation of environmental restoration and monitoring projects for the team (100%). This position will lead the Columbia Land Trust Restoration Team that consists of three AmeriCorps members who serve together for 11 months on environmental service projects. The Team Leader is responsible for directly communicating with the staff to coordinate team activities including team development/trainings, daily logistics, paperwork and team progress. Visit http://www.nwserviceacademy.org/positions/CLT_Leader.pdf
Plant Specialist: This position will focus on development and implementation of planting and invasives control projects and will lead a project to promote the use of native plants (60%). This position will also work closely with other team members to implement on the ground restoration projects (40%). Visit http://www.nwserviceacademy.org/positions/CLT_PS.pdf
Technical Resources Coordinator: This position will focus on developing web-based and GIS data resources related to environmental restoration and conservation projects, and completing GIS research, analysis and map creation (35%). This position will also work closely with other team members to implement on the ground restoration projects (65%). Visit http://www.nwserviceacademy.org/positions/CLT_TRC.pdf
Community Involvement Coordinator: This position will focus on development and outreach for community involvement programs related to environmental restoration and conservation projects (40%). This position will also work closely with other team members to implement on the ground restoration projects (60%). Visit http://www.nwserviceacademy.org/positions/CLT_CIC.pdf
Please visit the links above for job responsibilities, required qualifications, compensation information, and details on how to apply.
Andrea Berkley
Conservation Coordinator
Columbia Land Trust
1351 Officers' Row Vancouver, WA 98661