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The next CNRG Networking Night will be on December 16th (1st & NW Couch)
CNRG is an all volunteer run organization & we need your help!
Donations are rather helpful as well
Who's online
"Women For Change"
A unique opportunity to get involved with local community!
Friday Oct.17th, 2008 @ 2410 N. Mississippi ALL AGES"WOMEN FOR CHANGE: Empowering women of all ages to embrace local politics and media"
Join us for a night of sharing community, ideas, politics, art and music
$5-20 suggested donation, proceeds to benefit Siren Nation & In Other Words Women's Books & Resources
7pm-8.00pm Meet Greet/Downtempo Jazz
8.00pm-9.30pm Speakers & QnA
9.30pm-10.30pm DJ Anajali Bhangra dance music
Speakers include: Barbara Roberts (retired Governor), JoAnn Bowman (retired State Rep), Susan Castillo (Board of Education), Amanda Fritz (running for office), Serena Cruz (county Comissioner), Lisa Zurk (PSU Engineering Professor), Natalia Kay (Siren Nation Executive Director), Ana Amman (founder of Portland celebration of Support Women Artists Now Day) and more....
Doors open @ 7pm Speakers begin @ 8pm Music to follow by ANJALI & MI'Ka
ALL AGES//DONATIONS ENCOURAGED 2410 N. Mississippi Portland, Oregon 97212 -- Siren Nation II: Music! Art! Film! Crafts! Workshops!
November 3-9, 2008 Northern State*Laura Veirs*Tahoe Jackson*Lisa Papineau*The New Bloods*Scout Niblett*Lauara Gibson*The Trucks*Felina's Arrow*Amelia *www.sirennation.com * www.myspace.com/sirennation"the weapon we have is love" --harry & the potters